“On March 18th, we got the opportunity to visit Materialise, an innovative manufacturing (3D printing) company located in Leuven, Belgium.
At our arrival, the Executive Chairman of Materialise, Peter Leys, gave us an introduction presentation during which he explained the story of Materialise, its mission and vision and the fields in which the company is active: 3D printing services and 3D printing softwares. Regarding services, they print pieces both for the industrial production field (automotive, etc.) and for the medical field. For example, they developed a technique to scan and print a baby’s heart in case of heart disease, in the aim to better plan the surgery and gain time during it. Regarding softwares, they provide operating systems for 3D printers, like Microsoft Windows does for personal computers.
After this presentation, Peter Leys explained us that they are recruiting and invited us to apply for their Graduate Days.
Finally, we had the chance to visit parts of the factory with Thomas Leroy, an Alumnus of our Advanced Master. During this visit, we saw some very interesting things like different processes of 3D printing, different pieces made for different purposes and we received a lot of explanations about additive manufacturing.”
Arnaud Guns, Innovation and Strategic Management student 2015-2016